Friday, April 25, 2008

This is not a spoof blog!

It really is getting rather tiresome how many emails I'm getting, telling me how amusing my spoof blog is. They are no more comforting than the hundreds of "Burn in Hell, Evil Witch!!" or "How dare you mock our Harriet!" coming from the more feeble minded members of my former party (Labour for those of you who aren't sure).

For goodness sake, I'll say it once and once only....


It's what I like to call a complimentary blog. To complement my official one which is really boring, but which for legal reasons has to stay quite dull.

You don't believe me?

Go to my Real Blog Then and see if you don't find the same post about the defection.

For a limited time only, I have removed the comment moderation over there, knock yourselves out :-)


Anonymous said...

Brilliant, best bit of fun of the year.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realise that your gob was bigger than fragrant Cherie's.

Luke Akehurst said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luke Akehurst said...

Well done for standing up for yourself! I have exactly the same problem as you - loads of morons who think I'm the spoofster and the right-wing, unstable idiot who pretends to be Hackney's socialist Chief Whip is the real thing.

Anonymous said...

Has the ego landed yet?

Anonymous said...

Spoof politician, spoof blog.

jailhouselawyer said...

I followed your link to your real blog and found this message "The blog is temporarily closed". As this is the only one up and running, it must be the genuine article.

Anonymous said...

You could not have hit on a more deserving victim than the idiot Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. Your sting was genius, pure genius. Thank you so much Happy Harriet!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog, but why show her in such good light?
You almost make her look like a member of the Human Race when we all know the real truth is very different.
Lomg may it last.